Południowy Sudan to aktualnie najmłodsze państwo świata, które oficjalnie uzyskało niepodległość 9 lipca 2011 roku, w wyniku podziału Sudanu na dwa oddzielne państwa: Sudan i Sudan Południowy. Miasto Yei znajduje się na południu kraju, blisko granicy z Ugandą. Zamieszkałe przez około 170 tys. osób.
South Sudan is currently the youngest country in the world, which officially gained independence July 9, 2011, as a result the division of Sudan into two separate countries: Sudan and South Sudan. Yei town in the south of the country, near the border with Uganda. Inhabited by approximately 170 thousand. people.
Zdjęcia zrobiła dla nas Agnieszka Samolej, która obecnie mieszka w Yei.
Pictures were taken by Agnieszka Samolej who now lives in Yei.
South Sudan is currently the youngest country in the world, which officially gained independence July 9, 2011, as a result the division of Sudan into two separate countries: Sudan and South Sudan. Yei town in the south of the country, near the border with Uganda. Inhabited by approximately 170 thousand. people.
Zdjęcia zrobiła dla nas Agnieszka Samolej, która obecnie mieszka w Yei.
Pictures were taken by Agnieszka Samolej who now lives in Yei.
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