Kolejny kraj dołączył do naszych zbiorów! Mamy zdjęcia z Nikaragui - kraju w Ameryce Środkowej, który leży między Hondurasem a Kostaryką, jak również między Oceanem Spokojnym na zachodzie a Morzem Karaibskim na wschodzie. Zdjęcia pochodzą z wulkanu Telica, położonego w zachodniej części kraju. Wysokość wulkanu to 1061 m npm.
The next country joined our collections! We have photos from Nicaragua - a country in Central America, which lies between Honduras and Costa Rica, as well as between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The photos are from Telic volcano, located in the western part of the country. The height of the volcano is 1,061 meters above sea level.
Zdjęcia przysłała/Pictures sent: Anita Demianowicz
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The next country joined our collections! We have photos from Nicaragua - a country in Central America, which lies between Honduras and Costa Rica, as well as between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The photos are from Telic volcano, located in the western part of the country. The height of the volcano is 1,061 meters above sea level.
Zdjęcia przysłała/Pictures sent: Anita Demianowicz
Facebook - Anita Demianowicz Blog
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